Course details

In today's business realm, where the majority of employees don't feel engaged in their work** and corporations are increasingly seen as a detriment to a sustainable world, it's essential that we practice the virtues of trust and courage.

Become a conscious leader in your organization by building trust and courage in yourself and others:

  • Explore how to build trust and courage in yourself.
  • Learn the inner workings of trust and courage in leading others.
  • Create a consciousness of trust and courage in your life, in your organization and in the world.

In the TRUST program, you'll learn how to:

  • Enhance communication, relationships and sharing
  • Align behavior and communication  
  • Take a holistic healing approach to business 
  • Practice conscious, trustworthy leadership
  • Foster a culture of trust
  • Forge the bond at work

In the COURAGE program, you'll learn how to:

  • Move through the steps of the hero's journey
  • Take the first step to consciousness
  • Recognize the elements of courage
  • Lead others through courage
  • Move through the domains of courage
  • Practice courageous inclusivity

The course is built around 25 lectures on Trust and Courage in Conscious Business. Through a series of videos, slides, quizzes, and other resources, Stephen Dynako and Noreen Kelly will introduce you to ideas on Trust and Courage and challenge your thinking to help increase your effectiveness as a leader at work. The tools and examples that are presented will allow you to apply the concepts immediately in your workplace.

Leaders, managers and professionals will gain insights, strategies, and 'how to' applications through the coursework. Stephen and Noreen offer tips and implementation strategies that they have gleaned from their respective careers in both the corporate and entrepreneurial world, as well as from their personal experiences.

After completing this program, you'll walk away with a greater understanding of how practicing and leading with Trust and Courage are essential to becoming a more conscious leader in your organization, facilitating a more conscious workplace, and raising the consciousness of the world.  

**According to Gallup, 87 percent of employees worldwide and 70 percent of employees in the U.S. report not feeling engaged in their work, which directly impacts metrics such as productivity and profitability.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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