Udemy Trained Therapists Treatment Course One by Brian Cavill Udemy
Price: USD 35

    Course details

    TrainedTherapist's Treatment Course One by Brian Cavill Summery

    Brianbegan his massage therapy practice and teaching his method of massagetherapy in 1987. Through his desire to see clients set free fromtheir pain, Brian developed his "Cross Fibre Release" method ofmassage therapy along with treatment that get results.

    TrainedTherapist's Treatment Course Oneteaches treatment methods for: Sinus sufferers where therapists willfind out how to bring relief; Also TMJ problems; Thorough and totalrelaxing of the upper back; and the best way to help and often fixstrained or frozen shoulders, as well as the contraindications.

    Thistreatment course is presented clearly, just like receiving trainingfrom Brian first hand. Thistreatment course is only suitable for: Massage Therapists; SportsTherapists; Myotherapists; Physiotherapists and those trained inTherapy.

    Oncompletion of this trained therapist's treatment course, you as atherapist will have more confidence and the skills needed to treatthe injuries and enjoy the success that Brian and his past studentshave over many years using these proven treatment methods.Guaranteed!

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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