Course details
The aim of thecourse is to teach you to 'touch type' in twelve easy lessons. Each lesson progresses on through letters, words, sentences, capitalletters/upper case and finally numbers.
To help with thiscourse, there are lesson notes included for practice after eachlesson. The more you practice the foundation lessons the moreaccurate and faster you will become.
A keyboard will appear on your screen together with a notepadas the letters are typed.
You can simply open notepad and start typing whilst listening tothe audio. Just follow the instructions on screen.
The success ofthe course depends on your willingness to follow the lesson plans. Lessons are slow and repetitious. Do not expect speed initially -this will come as you progress.
Remember topractice after each lesson from the course notes provided.
At the end of thecourse you should be proficient in keying in letters automaticallywhilst looking at the screen only. This will be most helpful whichyou are writing emails, reports, letters, books etc. as you can editas you go along.
Updated on 02 January, 2018- Self Hypnosis Lead AcademyUSD 25
USD 390Duration: Upto 3 Hours - Beating Anxiety Global CoursesUSD 15
USD 140Duration: 1 Hour