Udemy Top 10 Rules of Conference Calling for Software Developers Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    It takes training to learn right set of skills to speak with group of people over a conference call. There are many hidden facts which showcase how active and vibrant participant or an organizer you are. This course will help you both the ways no matter you are mostly a participant or want to take more leadership role and start organizing calls like many Technical lead, technical project manager or software architects do very often.This course will also teach you some important communication skills and what to expect from most of your overseas clients and also what is their expectation from you.Once you are done with this course you will be able to start taking benefits of all the learning right from your next call.
    1. This course if best suited for any software professional or an individual from another field.
    2. In this course you will learn the techniques of conference calling for software Developers.
    3. You will get to know what all you need to know to have a great impression on other attendees and outcome from the call.
    4. You will learn the techniques in a step-by-step process of building great conference calling skills.
    Updated on 02 June, 2015
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