Appxone Training Center IoT System Administrator Appxone Training Center
Price: PKR 45,000

Course details

Module 1: Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) 

Basics of Internet of Things (IoT) Architecture 
What is Open Source and Maker Culture 
Open Source Electronic/IoT Development Boards 
Wireless Technologies & Protocols - WiFi, BLE, Zigbee, LoRA, Sigfox ; HTTP, MQTT 

Module 2: Making your first IoT Device 

Introduction to Basic Electronic Components & Your Maker Kit 
Introduction to ESP8266 Hardware 
Introduction to GPIO Pins & Physical Computing 
Interfacing with Sensors and Actuators 
Introduction to Analog and Digital 
Basics of Arduino Software & IoT Programming 
Use ESP8266, LED and Pushbutton to make an IoT ;

Project 1: Blinking LED (Electronic Hello World!) 
Project 2: Control LED using Button 

Module 3: Control your IoT Device using a Mobile App 

Connect your IoT Device using Wi-Fi to the Internet 
Download and Install IoT Mobile App 
Controlling your IoT Device with IoT Mobile App 
Different Widgets on the IoT Mobile App : Dashboards, Gauges, Lights, Joystick 

Project 3: Remotely Control LED using Mobile App over the internet 

Module 4: Remote Monitoring of Sensor Data from IoT Device 

Introduction to Temperature & Humidity Sensor (DHT) 
Connecting DHT to your IoT Device 
Adding a Dashboard Widget in the Mobile App 

Project 4: Visualize Temperature & Humidity Readings on your Mobile App 

Module 5: Sending Email Alerts from your IoT Device 

Add Email Widget to Mobile App Dashboard 
Configure the logic for Email Alert 

Project 5: Sending Email Notification using rules and logic triggers. Updated on 08 February, 2018

Eligibility / Requirements

Bachelors in Computer Science/ IT / Software / Computer Systems
Bachelors in Electronics
Bachelors in Mechatronics
Bachelors in Robotics

About Appxone Training Center

ATC i.e. Appxone Training Center provides individual and corporate trainings and has created a pool of high quality Computer science , Electronics Engineers and IT professionals who are meeting the demanding needs of organizations for the latest generation of IT applications.

Within a short span of time ATC became a market leader in IT Training and Electronics Engineering. Every student or professional aspires for success. But becoming successful is not easy – success comes to those who have the confidence to succeed. Appxone Training Center has been providing quality education. We can say it proudly Electronics and Computer Science batches completed successfully so far. Besides all this also offering professional & job oriented courses under the supervision of experienced and professional teachers. Our Students learn making android and iphone apps and robots and learn languages at one place to meet the industrial criteria.

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