Convertas KPIs Setting, Tracking & Providing Feedback Convertas
Price: OMR 1,230

    Course details

    Day 1
    The annual strategy cycle and its major phases and components

    · Various types of analyses
    · Vision and mission
    · Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
    · Using CSFs to translate strategy to operations
    Performance criteria
    · Types of KPIs
    · Behavioral indicators and their link to core competencies
    · Goals, Objectives and Targets (GOTs): the main differences
    · Using GOTs to develop measures and KPIs
    Day 2
    Performance tracking and reporting

    · The use of balanced and unbalanced scorecards
    · The use of dashboards and snapshot reporting
    · Compound versus concrete KPIs: The use of indexes to summarize KPI reporting
    · Performance gaps: the difference between a gap and a drop in performance
    · Performance gaps: determining the need for coaching
    Day 3
    Providing feedback for improved performance

    · Feedback: how different is it from opinions, evaluations and appraisals
    · Feedback versus appraisals, assessments and evaluations
    · The cornerstones of effective feedback
    · Types of feedback
    *  Motivational feedback and its benefits
    *  Formative feedback and how it should be delivered
    · Transforming negative feedback to positive feed forward
    · The skills for effectively providing feedback
    · Active listening, questioning and feed forward
    · Coaching and counseling
    · How counseling can act as a double edged-sword
      Updated on 16 May, 2024

    Eligibility / Requirements

    There are no eligibility requirements to attend this course.

    About Convertas

    CONVERTAS is a reliable advisory firm, helping organizations develop their activities to align with their objectives adopting the best practices.

    Our trainings and workshops cover all areas of business including Management,Soft Skills and Human Resourses Management, Marketing and Sales, Accounting and Finance, Procurement  and Logistics, targeting organizations, managers and employees. Whether in-house or public, trainings are organized with the highest qualified trainers.

    Our methodology relies more on the use of audio-visual impact which is more effective than the lecture style. Presentations, videos and simulations methods have proven to be very effective for people to remember.

    Moreover, doing and teaching are the best vehicles for learning and remembering. This includes involving the trainee in the teaching process by interacting, through completing worksheets and inciting to explain and present what is acquired.

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