Course details
"In essence, the heart of the leadership challenge that confronts today's leaders is learning how to lead in today's VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) business environment, allied with the needs to deal with scale and new organisational forms that often break with the traditional organisational models and structures within which many have learned their 'leadership trade'. So the basic assumption that past experience is the key for future leadership success is more open to scrutiny than ever".
- Prof Sattar Bawany (2015)
The importance of leaders with the right leadership styles: The RBL framework to achieve organisational results.
Organisations need to deliver service value and build good customer relationships in order to generate sustainable results through their satisfied and loyal customers. Employees being at the forefront of the service delivery chain hold the key to building this satisfied and loyal customer base/
Employees who are engaged and motivated are instrumental in delivering the service experience for the client which will result in customer engagement. The level of employee engagement is dependent on the "organisational climate" (sometimes known as corporate climate), which here simply refers to "how employees feel about working in the organisation/business unit/department/division."
Leadership is all about the ability to have impact and influence on your followers using the right leadership styles so as to engage them towards achieving your organisational results through both Ontological Humility and Servant Leadership approaches blended with elements of social intelligence competencies and socialised power.
We know that leaders create, transform and manage organisational cultures. The leader's values, beliefs and leadership styles will impact the organisation's climate. We need "Level 5 Leaders" who demonstrate ontological humility and possess emotional mastery. They also need to possess essential integrity in discharging their day to day role and responsibilities towards engaging the employees.
Creating an "Employee-First" Culture in a VUCA Business Environment
Putting the customer first has been the mantra of many companies for a long time. But however correct the mantra may have been in the past, perhaps it's time to question the wisdom of it in the present-day context. Some companies have already done this, that is, they are putting the customer second, after the employees. The results are surprising and enlightening - employees have become more engaged and contented, helping companies post impressive results and get cited for their best practices. Moreover, customers are satisfied. An example of an organisation that has been successful in adopting this philosophy is The Virgin Group founded by Richard Branson.
The Results-based Leadership (RBL) Framework developed by CEE presents an operating model and proven approach for putting employees first. Steady, long-term competitiveness requires an organisation to be committed to putting employees first and developing quality training programs that are linked to its strategic objectives. Without a true commitment to the employees at all levels throughout an organisation, the journey to enhance organisational performance will be an elusive adventure. Quality employees equate to organisational success. Unqualified and poorly trained employees equate to organisational failure.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Masterclass, the participant will be able to understand and leverage on a proven framework, RBL, to lead and engage their team much more effectively to achieve sustainable organisational results in a VUCA World.
The programme incorporates a number of unique features and works on a number of levels. It is specifically aimed at enhancing and developing the skills, knowledge and behaviours of the participants.
The participants will develop their understanding of Leadership Effectiveness and how it will lead to a creation of a sustainable competitive advantage for their respective organisations through the development of an organisational climate that will contribute towards enhancing employee engagement and productivity during challenging times when operating in a disruptive VUCA business environment.
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