Udemy The Player Control with Playstation and Arduino - VR Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    Virtual reality is technology of future. As a developer if you want to produce something this set is for you. Using the Arduino, we're going to learn to control body movement of Playstation 3 football players

    Note: My mother tongue is Turkish that's why i have tried to express this work as faras i can in English.

    Comoponents Required:

    • Playstation 3 Joystick (sixaxiss) and Playstation Console
    • LSM9DS1 IMU Sensor - Sparkfun
    • ADXL335 Accelerometer - Sparkfun
    • CD4066 Digital Relay IC
    • Arduino Uno/Mega
    • Led,Button,Resistor,Breadbord,Band,Bandage,Jumper Wires,Multiple Wires,TV

    I will teach you step by step how to go about building this project. I will also share the code with you so that you can replicate the project yourself.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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