Udemy The Optimum Fitness System for Fitness and Rehab Specialists Udemy
Price: USD 95

    Course details

    The Optimum Fitness System (OFS) educational course is designed for any individual involved in health, fitness, and performance training as well as rehabilitation specialists (physical therapists, athletic trainers, etc.). The OFS is a comprehensive program designed in a systematic and progressive fashion to allow for fitness and rehabilitation specialists to ensure a both safe and progressive program design, including; how to conduct a Pre-Activity Screening and Fitness Assessment, assess for movement impairments and how to prescribe corrective exercises based on the noted impairments, core and joint stabilization training, strength and power training, and the concepts of sport specificity.

    The OFS educational program is provided in various educational formats. Lectures are provided in video format. The OFS Program Design Manual follows along the systematic and progressive program describing in further details what is reviewed in the video lectures. The manual also contains all of the templates needed, from the Pre-Activity Screening to Monthly Training Log. A word document of all the templates is provided as well allowing for any adjustments students would like to make. For example, the student may choose to remove the "Power-Up" logo and add their own, truly making this course an immediate "Turn Key" business opportunity.

    The OFS educational program covers a great deal of "hands-on" training activities. It is recommended that the student have another participant with them in order to practice the activities reviewed. This may assist with better understanding and long term memory development of each technique. To further ensure an enhanced knowledge base a quiz is provided at the end of each section. Depending on the students level of experience this course may take anywhere from 2-4 hours.

    Whether you're looking to start an immediate and complete personal training business or hoping to enhance your current knowledge base this course is for you.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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