Udemy The complete walkthrough of Azure networking services Udemy
Price: USD 100

    Course details

    Microsoft Azure is the fastest growing cloud platform in the world. One of the key building blocks of Microsoft Azure is its network services. This course is designed to help you to build strong foundation & provide hands on experience in Microsoft Azure network services.

    This course covers azure network skills required for 70-532, 70-533 & 70-534 Microsoft certification exams

    This course has been designed with an architectural approach. Firstly I will give you an overview of Azure network services architecture and after this introduction, I will take you through  following azure services

    1. Virtual network & subnets - Create virtual networks & subnets and understand the design patterns
    2. Network security group - Create network security group(NSG), create inbound & outbound rules, apply them at subnet levels, deploy the virtual machines in subnets and test NSG rules
    3. User defined routes and VNet peeing - Create a user defined route to route the traffic through virtual appliance and peer VNets in same region
    4. IP Addresses - Public & private IP addresses, Static & dynamic allocation
    5. Load balancer - Configuration of frontend IP configuration, backend pool creation, health probes creation, configure load balancing rules, configure NAT rules, automatic reconfiguration & monitoring of  the load balancer
    6. Application gateway - Creation of application gateway, HTTP traffic load balancing, URL path based routing, multi site hosting, enable web application firewall and test the same, monitoring of application gateway
    7. Traffic manager - Creation of traffic manager profile, add end points, load balance traffic based on performance, priority, weight and geographic routing methods.
    8. Connectivity scenarios - Configure point to site VPN connection, VPN - VPN connection, Site to site VPN connection, Azure apps connection with VMs on Azure and finally connect Azure virtual network with Amazon web services virtual private cloud

    This course contains both theory lectures and a significant number of labs that helps you in gaining hands-on experience in key Azure network related services.

    Microsoft Azure is a constantly evolving platform and I will be keep close watch on Azure announcements and add new labs wherever possible.

    So, start taking this course and put yourself in high demand in the world of IT and command higher salary!!!

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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