Udemy The Complete Steemit Course: Create Content and Earn Rewards Udemy
Price: USD 45

    Course details

    Do you get financially rewarded when you help sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube fill their websites up with your text, pictures and videos?

    If you answer 'no' to that question, then you have to ask yourself "Why?"

    These sites make billions every year by selling adverts that are inserted in between the items that we post.

    These sites harvest your personal information, ban people at random and delete posts they don't agree with.

    Then along comes Steemit (Steem-it).

    Steemit is a revolutionary new type of social networking and blogging website that is the complete opposite of what I just described.

    With Steemit:

    • You get rewarded to post the same types of content
    • There are no ads
    • And you are free to express yourself however you want
    • The more popular your content is, the more you get rewarded

    For example, while I was developing this course I posted one of the lessons on Steemit in order to get feedback and earned over $370.

    And the first ever makeup tutorial video that was posted on Steemit got 658 votes and generated over $30,000.

    I must point out though that these results are not typical.

    I'm only highlighting this to show you what's possible.

    I don't want you joining Steemit thinking it's a get rich quick scheme, because it's not.

    Many posts make a lot less than this. 

    And the majority of posts don't make any money at all.

    But I've learned that if you post regularly, build up your followers and keep improving the quality of your posts, you will be rewarded handsomely.

    And best of all you can withdraw your earnings in Bitcoin and spend them anywhere in the world.

    You'll even get rewarded for signing up. 

    So enroll in this course now with full confidence of a 30 day money back guarantee.

    Updated on 13 September, 2016
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