Udemy The Complete Denial of Service (DOS) Ethical Hacking Course Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    A good hacker should have the knowledge of DOS & DDOS attacks and this course will help you understand  DOS & DDOS attacks step by step.

    In today's world thousands of people interact electronically every day.Hackers are every where ! So to protect ourselves we need to learn hacking like a Black Hat hacker.In this course we would learn how to do DOS & DDOS attacks like a Black Hat hacker and we would also learn how to defend ourselves from those attack like a security professional.  

    Gain the ability to understand  DOS & DDOS attacks by taking this course! This training will establish your understanding of all the fundamental concepts, processes, and procedures.This course covers the fundamental building blocks of your required skill set.

    NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only.

    Updated on 18 March, 2018
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