Course details

As a globally recognised facilitator, coach, consultant, author (It's Not About The Coach) and speaker specialising in Authentic Leadership it gives me great pleasure to bring this course to you. I have worked with leaders and coaches for over 25 years and for the first time I share all my experience in one place. It provides you with all the resources you need as a leader and coach - whether you are exploring the subject for the first time or already hold a senior leadership/coaching role.
The course is set out in 7 sections and 25 lectures (6 hours), comprising of screen flow slide (Prezi) presentations, videos, interviews with experts, articles and a 45 page eBook. I apply an innovative and contemporary approach so that
1) You not only focus on yourself but ensure you develop your followers ability to follow.
2) You identify your 'inner' values and skilfully exhibit these in the 'outer' - authentic.
3) You develop a coaching way of being, in particular the identity of a narrative coach.
4) You learn to harness personal energy and increase vitality for you and for others.
5) You transform culture by creating habitats and habits that are sustainable.
Take this course if you need an answer to the following you need to exert influence, so that people are drawn to your vision and results?
I look forward to working with you...Stuart.
Updated on 22 March, 2018
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