Udemy Teacher Training: Become an Adjunct University Professor Udemy
Price: USD 25

    Course details

    What is the course about?

    • Have you ever considered becoming an University Professor? in a live classroom?
    • Do you have skills and experience that, if shared, can make a difference in someone's life?
    • This course teaches someone how to become an Adjunct University Professor in a live classroom even if they have never taught before.
    • The course can also benefit existing Adjunct University Professors who want to enhance their teaching skills & performance.


    Adjunct "part time" university instructors are being hired by universities more than ever before. Adjunct Professors number approximately 1 - 1.5 million in the US alone. Up to 50 - 85% of university faculty staff are adjuncts - especially in community colleges. Even elite private universities like Georgetown University have more than 50% of their faculty staff as adjuncts.

    What kind of materials are included?

    • The course consists of 38 video lectures which include the following:
      • Student testimonials of actual students
      • Funny Movie clips used to emphasize key points
      • Live in-class instruction video clips of Professor Lacouture in action!
      • There are +5 hours of content to complete.

    Why take this course?

    • Take this course if you ever dreamed of becoming an university professor in a live classroom....this course will teach you how!
    • Take this course if you are already an Adjunct University Professor and want to improve your teaching skills and performance
    Updated on 22 March, 2018