Convertas Talent Management Workshop Convertas
Price: USD 3,195

Course details

Day 1: Talent Definition
· Rationale behind talent management
· The differentiation approach
· The inclusive approach
· Current challenges of talent management systems
· Holistic and integrated talent management approach
Performance management scheme
· Quantitative vs qualitative performance management systems  
· Differentiation between performance and potential 
· Defining potential
· Value system approach
· Competency based approach
· Integrated approach
Day 2: Performance management scheme
· Quantitative vs qualitative performance management systems  
· Differentiation between performance and potential 
· Defining potential
· Value system approach
· Competency based approach
· Integrated approach
Talent review
· Identification and validation criteria  
· Assessing proficiency, ability, drivers and personality
· Assessment frameworks  
· Assessment and development centers
Day 3: The talent management program
· Stages of career development (HRCI resources)
· Integrated development and training approach
· Stakeholders; the role of talents, management and HR
· Tracking progress
· Coaching talents
· Succession planning charts
Organizational readiness and the way ahead
· Assessing the readiness level of your organization
· Implications on HR department and processes
· Talent acquisition branding and value proposition
· On-boarding process
· Retention strategies
· Learning and Development
· Creating a talent management strategy 
  Updated on 16 May, 2024

Eligibility / Requirements

This course is targeted at those who are in supervisory and managerial positions including HR and talent management specialists with at least three years corporate experience. More specifically, this course is ideal for HR team leaders, HR managers and HR business partners as well as line managers.

About Convertas

CONVERTAS is a reliable advisory firm, helping organizations develop their activities to align with their objectives adopting the best practices.

Our trainings and workshops cover all areas of business including Management,Soft Skills and Human Resourses Management, Marketing and Sales, Accounting and Finance, Procurement  and Logistics, targeting organizations, managers and employees. Whether in-house or public, trainings are organized with the highest qualified trainers.

Our methodology relies more on the use of audio-visual impact which is more effective than the lecture style. Presentations, videos and simulations methods have proven to be very effective for people to remember.

Moreover, doing and teaching are the best vehicles for learning and remembering. This includes involving the trainee in the teaching process by interacting, through completing worksheets and inciting to explain and present what is acquired.

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