Online Courses Learning Supporting People with Physical Disabilities Certification Online Courses Learning
  • Duration / Course length: Upto 1 Hour Start now
  • Accredited by: CPD Certification Service
  • Certificates:
  • Course delivery: This course is delivered in video format

Course details

Supporting People with Physical Disabilities
Physical disabilities vary and come in all forms. They result from different causes and differ in people who seem to have the same physical disability. Whereas some people are born with a physical disability, others develop a physical disability due to external factors, such as accidents and injuries.

Physical disability can make an individual feel bad and embarrassed about themselves. They can also face unlimited challenges when performing activities of daily living or any other tasks. Therefore, they may need support and care. It is important to understand physical disabilities to be able to offer support.

Understanding physical disabilities also helps address various uncertainties and concerns regarding physical disability. We've designed this course to help you understand physical disabilities and be able to offer support to those with such a condition.
You Will Learn:

  • The definition of physical disabilities

  • The causes of physical disabilities

  • The differences between permanent and temporary physical disabilities

  • The aids that are available for people with physical disabilities

  • The additional support system for people with physical disabilities and how they can cope with stress

  • How carers help patients with physical disabilities

  • Cultural, social and environmental influences on support

  • Home care for people with physical disabilities

Benefits of Taking This Course:
    Taking this course will help you:
  • Understand physical disabilities and support patients' needs

  • Support and care for people with disabilities

  • Look out for safety risks in the lives of people with physical disabilities, such as loose rugs

  • Understand adaptive equipment and other aids for people with physical disabilities

  • Find the right support for a loved one or friend with a physical disability

  • Choose the right support for people with physical disabilities

  • Encourage patients to live independent and positive lives

Updated on 19 June, 2023

Eligibility / Requirements

There are no formal requirements to take up the course, anyone who is interested in the topic and/or would like to gain more knowledge and stand out to make up your career that you are passionate of.

About Online Courses Learning

Online Courses Learning is a provider of career essential courses. Simple understandable media content, concept oriented learning which helps develop career opportunities in the corporate World.
The learning experience has been designed from the ground up keeping your success in mind.
You can study at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home. A complete access to our learning platform for 365 days

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