Udemy Superb jQuery Course - Become Certified jQuery Developer Udemy
Price: USD 95

    Course details

    What will you gain about this course?

    • This jQuery course is more actual coding than theory.
    • The only jQuery course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes.

    Welcome to Superb jQuery Course - Complete jQuery Course From Beginner to Pro

    This is the best course to fulfill your dream to become jQuery Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skills faster. jQuery is a powerful programming language it can be use in Web development.

    With this course you can be beginner to professional in just 4 weeks.

    What will you get in this course?

    1. Download and Setup
    2. Syntax
    3. Events
    4. Hide and Show
    5. Slide and Fade
    6. animate
    7. Prepend and apend
    8. CSS
    9. Classes
    10. Form Event
    11. Text Validation
    12. jQuery UI
    13. jQuery Ajax with PHP and MYSQL
    14. jQuery Plugins

    Get this course today and be life changing careers.

    The quicker you get this course the quicker gain Superb jQuery Course - Complete jQuery Course From Beginner to Pro.

    Thank You 

    Paul Carlo

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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