Udemy Strategic Salary Negotiation - Salary Bargaining Power Udemy
Price: USD 195

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    Course Updated 7 July 2016

    Why are 50,804 students wanting me to mentor them in 42 Udemy courses?50,804 students have started learning from me since August 7th 2015. Shouldn't you find out why?

    Have you received a call for a job interview? That is awesome! Do you have a performance or salary review coming up soon? You need this course to learn advanced strategic salary negotiation techniques.

    This course has been created based on discussions with employers (including multi-million dollar firms and even billion dollar companies)

    The feedback received has been mostly the same - employees and prospective employees flake out when it comes to salary negotiation. Hiring managers see this as a sign of being somewhat of a pushover.

    Now is the time to learn salary negotiation so you can get a better salary in a new job or even confidently ask for a salary raise in your current role.

    You are about to learn:

    • Why you need to interview the prospective employer and how to master your emotions
    • Salary Negotiation techniques to make you thousands of extra dollars
    • Why it's not your fault you have not learnt Salary Negotiation
    • That the changing world we live in creates amazing opportunities for salary negotiation
    • Why Salary Negotiation is a game designed for you to fail if you are not prepared

    Take this course now and finally master the art of Salary Negotiation. Included is a 15 minute case study of how I increased my salary by 34.5% in my very first job and in my first year!

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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