Udemy Strategic Performance Management - Tome 2: Managing teams Udemy
Price: USD 75
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Welcome to the course "Manage Organization Performance - Tome 2: Managing the team"

This course is part of a 3 tomes series:

  • Tome 1: Managing Strategy
  • Tome 2: Managing Operations (the team)
  • Tome 3: Managing Contributors

Nevertheless each of them is self contained and can be taken separately.

In this tome 2:

We will learn how to link your team contribution to the overall strategic framework of your organization. This includes:

  • Understand Performance Management
  • Understand the company strategy
  • Develop team ambition
  • Set goal for the team
  • Map processes to improve them
  • Create dashboards with excel or keynote
  • Create project plans using free software
  • Review talent in the organisation
  • Develop Job Description
  • Create Budget(s)
  • Agree on a meeting cycle for tracking and reviewing the strategy

This series of courses will provide a complete and easy to implement framework for managers, entrepreneurs, HRs or consultants involved in strategic planning and performance management.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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