Course details

ANNOUNCEMENT: 50% of the revenue from this course will be donated to THRIVE-GULU, a not-for-profit building rehabilitation and community centers across Africa.

  Startup Attention & PR 101" is a deeper look at how to better work with the press. This is not a course about traditional PR. Instead, this is a deeper dive into what makes a journalist tick, how you can get attention with these public relations skills and take advantage of that for your company or cause.

This course covers four broad themes:

"  How Journalists Think

"  How to Launch a Product

"  How to Keep Users Interested

"  How to Deal With a Press Crisis

This course won't make you a journalist's best friend, but I hope it will give you more clarity to how journalists make decisions and how that affects you and your company. Learning these skills will help you make great product launches. 

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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