Udemy Spring Social Tutorial: Socialize Your Spring Applications Udemy
Price: USD 95

    Course details

    If you are developing an application for today's Internet, you can't miss letting your users sign up/in using their Facebook or Google account. Not only that, you may also find accessing their social data, like their friends list, very useful.

    This tutorial will show you how to do that, step-by-step. After discussing the basics in a very simple manner, here we are going to develop a sample web application to let users sign up and sign in using their social accounts and access their social data. We will begin with a simple Spring Boot web application secured with Spring Security having username/password sign up/in features, and we will extend that to have the social sign up/in and data access features. Watch the second lecture, which is a free preview video, to see the final application running and know what exactly we are going to develop.

    We are going to use Facebook in this tutorial, but you can extend it easily to other social sites after going through this tutorial.

    To follow this tutorial, you should have prior knowledge of Spring Framework 4.x, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring MVC and Spring Data JPA. If you don't know any of these well enough to understand and deploy the code that we are going to write, I'd recommend you first go through my Spring Tutorials available here at Udemy.

    Updated on 19 February, 2015
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