Develop Purchasing Skills & Selection of Vendors in Manufacturing Setting SMF Centre for Corporate Learning
Price: SGD 359

    Course details

    This module specifies the skills and knowledge required to effectively apply the concepts, principles and techniques which underpin the purchasing function in modern, efficient organisations. It will explore how the purchasing function contributes to the achievement of the organisation’s objectives. Learners will appreciate the relationship between the buyer and the supplier and identify how the organisation ensures that regular quantities and quality of goods and services are purchased in the most cost effective way. It also stipulates wider issues in relation to the purchase-supply relationship and how corporate social responsibility is affecting the way that organisations do business in a manufacturing industry.


    • Understanding the basics of purchasing
    • Understanding how the purchasing function contributes to the achievement of an organisation's objectives
    • Understanding purchasing strategy and planning
    • Knowing how to source and select appropriate vendors
    • Understanding how an organisation ensures regular quantities and quality of materials/products/services are supplied
    • Be able to explain the role of national and transnational organisations in influencing international purchasing
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About SMF Centre for Corporate Learning

    The Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), formerly known as the Singapore Manufacturers' Association, was first established in 1932. Its main aim is to champion the Singapore manufacturing sector. With a membership of over 2,800 corporate members ranging from MNCs to SMEs, SMa carries out a myriad of activities to enhance the competitive edge of our members.

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