Course details
If you want to lose more than 20 lbs [8 KG] of Belly Fat than this COURSE is for YOU
When it comes to losing fat, most people make these 3 common mistakes:
Mistake No #1: Doing Excess Cardio
More is NOT better when it comes to cardio. Actually thats true for anything…really! But why do people go crazy doing hours of hours of cardio to lose weight and get healthy?
They go by this logic: If they burn 'X' amount of calories per day, they create a deficit of 'Y' amount and therefore they lose 'Z' amount of body fat per week.
Well, they are right about the calorie part, but wrong about the choice of their activity. EH?
Here' why:
-Excess cardio causes heart damage
-Excess cardio causes loss of lean muscle, which slows down your metabolism significantly
-Excess cardio causes muscle imbalances which is a potential injury waiting to happen
-Excess cardio causes weight gain, because excess cortisol* is released when you do excess cardio
*Cortisol is a stress hormone which due to excess cardio is released in very quantities and it signals the brain to store more fat.
Mistake No #2: Avoiding Heavy Weights or Weight Training Altogether
The general perception with weights is that it will make you bulky and people believe that by lifting weights they will start to look like a bodybuilder.
Thats so untrue!
Muscle is like a piece of iron, its small and dense whereas fat tissue is like cotton. Natural bodybuilding is a long process and it takes time to build lot of muscle to look like a bodybuilder.
I have been lifting heavy weights for a very long time now and I am quite lean! Unless someone is taking steroids or other drugs they cannot look buffed.
LADIES! Weights will make you thin, toned and sexy and never bulky. Females have very little testosterone levels as compared to men. Don't be scared of weights! Keep calm and lift heavy :)
Mistake No #3: Following Fad Diets
Did you know that more than 95 percent of dieters who lose weight on a fad diet gain it back? And a significant percentage gain back even more than they had originally lost!!
Hey, I am not trying to discourage you here. What I am suggesting is to open your mind and look at the subject of weight loss with a new perspective.
Let me say this: If a fitness plan, or a diet has not been working for you in the last few months, it won't work for you in the future.
Do you think that by:
-Starving yourself with low-caloric bland boring diets or
-Spending hundreds of dollars on worthless supplements every month or even
-Spending couple of hours everyday on Treadmills/Recumbents doing painful cardio is the way to go lose weight and get that sexy body?
I created 'SHRED' because I don't want you to repeat the same mistakes I did and waste your Precious Years!
The FOCUS of this Course is : AGGRESSIVE FAT LOSS and retaining or even building some lean muscle.
But do so, in a very intelligent manner i.e. cycling through Three Different Phases over the course of 18 weeks.
Here's what you'll get with SHRED-The Ultimate Skinny-Fat Solution Course:
3-Phase SHRED Workout Plans
Each Phase aka The Burner, The Cruiser & The Booster are 6 weeks long! They all serve a unique purpose and are specifically designed to do just that.
You'll be only working out with weights 3 times a week! No more!
Total time commitment with SHRED fitness routine is no more than 6 hours a week! That't not even 5% of your entire week.
Think about this…..
Just ONE session with a personal trainer will set your wallet aback by ($25-$75) depending upon where in the world you reside!
Train with him/her for just 3 months (3 times a week) and you are looking at a bill of $1000 or more.
SHRED will only cost you $67 for Lifetime Access! That's just $2.7/week. [ SHRED is a 18 week program]
Yes, just $2.7 a week!
For a program that is a result of my 'over a decade of research' through trails and errors and by spending thousands of thousands of dollars on the best certifications, scientific books, journals, and then relentlessly applying the strategies, tools and philosophies on myself and hundreds of the clients I trained both at my health club and otherwise ……
Why Am I literally giving it away for so cheap? My Answer is real simple….
My Mission is to reach out to millions of people and help them save time, effort & their hard-earned money from the mis-information. I just don't want them to make the same mistakes I made.
I want everyone reading this to be able to afford it comfortably.
Building your 'Fabulous' Physique doesn't have to be expensive.
Give SHRED a try for 30 Days and see if it works for you or not.
Your Friend & Coach,
Updated on 14 February, 2018 - Read Less