Udemy Showing you how I taught my Guitar to sing, so you can too. Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

There is a unique Tune in almost everyone. If you can sing,that's great. But if you can't then that song my stay locked in you and never be heard. The Piano, Banjo and Guitar are great accompaniment instruments for people who can sing. But if you are not really a singer?

Most Guitar lessons start with Chords. But "The tune is in the chord" so in this course we are starting with the Guitar scales (Pentatonics) just like a singer would. I am sure that you will have noticed that most Instrumentalists rarely have the music in front of them when playing in public. How? They use Sound(the ear) locked and linked to their finger muscle memory and pattern memory. When they are paying they are listening to the tune in their head finger muscle memory and Chord pattern memory just click in automatically, If You Have Practiced Enough.

That's what this is all about. The exercises in this course will show you how you can teach your Guitar to sing and maybe give the world a wonderful, wonderful, new TUNE.....

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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