Udemy Self Defense for Badass Women: Strike to Injure and Escape Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This course is designed for women, by a woman. Coach Elle Beyer (co-founder of Free Flow Academy - The Largest and Most Diversified Parkour Gym on the West Coast) explains the importance of creating space between you and your attacker, and learning how to escape and flee a dangerous situation. With over 15 years of Martial Arts experience and 7 years of Parkour training, Elle understand what it's like to be physically vulnerable. To be matched against a 225 lb. MMA fighter, and to have to endure tackles, body slams, body crushing squeezes, mounts, and strikes to the face, head, and body. Learn how to disable someone 2x your size with 10% more muscle mass. Learn how to counter strike and defend,leavingyour attacker blind, or even dead. Learn how to take a hit. Learn how to free yourself from bonds like rope, cords, or chains. Learn how to flee up and over obstacles (such as furniture or fences). Learn how to defend against multiple attackers. Learn how to conserve energy and plan your escape if you are raped and held incaptivity. Learn how to make your attacker suffer and pay the ultimate price for messing with you.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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