Course details

Scripting In Scrivener shows you how to use the outstandingly good and powerful writing software Scrivener to outline, plan, structure and write film and video scripts effectively and easily.

The course starts by taking you through the essential components of Scrivener, with a focus on how to use the ones most targeted at structured writing.

Everything in the course is based on personal experience and usage of Scrivener over several years as a documentary film director. 

The challenge in documentary film is bringing many disparate elements together into a coherent and powerful narrative story. 

Scrivener excels at helping the process of organising each stage of the writing process, while getting out of the way when required.

In the course, I show you exactly how I do it with my films, using real examples, and exercises to make sure you've understood each key stage and concept. 

Along the way, I teach insights I've gained in film scripting and writing and show you exactly how Scrivener works best for me through screencast videos of the Scrivener interface.

Though principally aimed at those writing film and video scripts, anyone writing pieces involving different plot lines and character elements or complex pieces can benefit from taking this course.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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