Udemy Scope II: Monitoring and Controlling Project Scope Udemy
Price: USD 19

    Course details

    During the implementation of processes within the Planning Process Group, a great amount of effort and planning goes into the collection of project requirements, the creation of a work breakdown structure, and the definition of the project's scope. It's essential that you have a firm understanding of how to collect these project elements. Learn about the important principles and best practices employed by project managers to safeguard the scope of their projects. You'll acquire knowledge on the Validate Scope and Control Scope processes, and how these processes are related to the Project Scope Management Knowledge Area.

    PDU Credits: 1.5 Hours

    LearnSmart is Project Management Institute (PMI) Global Registered Education Provider (REP 3577). This course qualifies for the above credit hours toward the PMP or CASP training contact hours or toward maintaining your current certification.

    Updated on 24 December, 2017
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