Udemy Salesforce Certified Admin: Practical Test Guide [15 hours] Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

[NOTE: This course will be constantly updated & improved as per your feedback.All questions will get answered and the course author (Grant) will be very present to guide you.]

This course was built by Grant Ongstad (Salesforce Certified Admin expert) with a simple idea in mind: teach you Salesforce administration practically, so that you can take and pass the test easily.

Most certification courses do the mistake of teaching you *just enough*, so that you can take and pass the test. That's a mistake and definitely not the same as truly *understanding* the materials.If you're only taught how to add 1+1 and you're asked to add 2+2 on the test, you may not necessarily know how to. But if you're taught how to add any numbers together, the test will suddenly appear much easier!

Check the course's curriculum, and you'll see that all the crucial parts of Salesforce Administration were included in the course. Each chapter has its own practical cases, and there will never be a moment where you'll feel lost!

In any case, Grant will be here for you and answer any questions you may have, and he'll constantly update and improve the course's content. The goal is to make your learning a very interactive process.

So, what are you waiting?!Get the course NOW and become a Salesforce Certified Admin!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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