Course details
Elite salespeople sell in a way that is different from average and even good salespeople…
Their methods may seem strange and wouldn't even be recognized by most…
...but to get unusually good results, you'll need unusual methods because amazing results are not common…
In this course, you'll discover 20 sales shortcuts that will allow you to close sales faster, with less effort..less resistance and have way more fun doing.
You will learn "speed selling".
Close more business faster, with less effort and resistance using these little known sales secrets
What will I be able to DO after I enroll?
CREATE buying moods in your prospect in a couple minutes
SELL the way your prospects actually buy...not the way they say they buy
OVERCOME your prospect's buying defenses with invisible techniques
CRAFT vivid and compelling presentations that deeply influence
AVOID unnecessary stalling and hesitation in your prospects
INFLUENCE your prospect's even when you're not around
BUILD rapport quickly using an underutilized technique
MOTIVATE your prospects to buy right now by tapping into the hidden engines of decision making
REMOVE buyer's remorse and reduce refunds
CONVERT objections into agreement
UNCOVER your prospect's true questions, concerns and objections quickly
CAPTURE your prospect's complete attention and remove distractions to the sales process
Master selling hacks used by the elite, top %1 of salespeople in the world…
I created this course because after 13 years of professional selling, many patterns became clear.
After the first couple years of my sales career I got sick of the grind...the unreturned phone calls, feeling burnout...worrying about if a large sale would close or not...and I completely changed my approach.
I learned how to maintain a really high closing less, earn more and enjoy the process a lot more.
My entire mindset changed.
What makes this course different is that I teach what how to sell in ways that match the way your prospect's naturally buy.
How to influence your hyper skeptical, information and sales message saturated prospects in a way that that is virtually invisible...
...and I've actually used what I teach to always be at the very top or in the top %1 for every company I worked for.
This includes Fortune 500 companies as well as some of the fastest growing companies on the planet. this isn't some "sales theory".
And I've also had a chance to learn from and be trained by, some of the very best, most elite salespeople on the planet.
What you will learn will not only help you make more money but will pull back the curtain so that you understand selling in an entirely new way.
This will help you make more sales with less effort, but, if you own or ever decide to start your own business, you can use what you learn here to quickly grow that business.
What will I learn specifically?
How to Use Amnesia to Close More Business
Motivate Your Prospects by Changing Their Mood with This Weird Trick
Close Sales Faster Using "The Sales Sequence Repeat"
Motivate Your Prospects to Buy Your Product with The "Re-Live the Bee Sting Technique"
3 Words That Convert Resistance into Agreement
A Little-Known Way to Deal with Distractions and Capture Your Prospect's Attention
How to Future Pace Your Way to Sales That Stick
The Secrets Of "Sensational Selling"
"The Ideal Reflection Technique"
1 Quick and Easy Technique to Get Prospect's to Sell Themselves
Discovering the Power of Using "Future Links"
Here's What Smart Salespeople Do When They Get Objections
Talk Less and Earn More Using the Bounce Back Technique
How to Open Your Prospect's Mind Using This Simple Technique
How to Persuade Prospects Like Elite Salespeople Do
In short you will walk away with a new toolkit of fresh sales techniques that you can use to avoid missing opportunities, make more sales faster and enjoy selling again
So, go ahead click the green buy now button on the right hand side, so you can become a truly masterful salesperson, blast past your competitors, leaving them scratching their heads as you steal their clients from underneath them.
What have you got to lose? If you do nothing, nothing will change.
If you don't love the course..if it doesn't deliver on every promise, you can always get 100% of your money back, so there's no reason not to enroll.
Once you enroll you're given step by step instructions and easy to follow exercises.
Best of all, you'll have my help should you have questions or need help applying the techniques in a specific situation.
Updated on 22 March, 2018- Drop shipping Course LineUSD 25
USD 460Duration: Upto 4 Hours - Sales Skills Online John AcademyUSD 25Duration: Upto 4 Hours