Udemy Salary Negotiation: How to Negotiate a New Job Offer (Pro) Udemy
Price: USD 95

    Course details

    Did you know that HALF of all workers did not negotiate their last salary?

    Here's why: The thought of negotiation makes them nervous, they don't know how to find their worth, they're afraid of losing the offer, and they simply don't know what to say. Unfortunately, they're leaving thousands, even millions on the table.

    How would you like to have an extra $5,000?

    I surveyed former students and the average raise was more than $5,000. 1 in 5 increased their salary by $10,000 or more! Money that could be used for a vacation, a new home, or to pay off student loans or credit cards.

    By the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • Accurately research your maximum worth on the market
    • Navigate the early stages of an interview, avoiding online forms and low-ball screening questions from HR
    • Use a 5-minute body language trick to increase your rate of success
    • Implement the same negotiation techniques used by the FBI
    • Confidently say exactly the right phrases to secure the highest salary and get paid what you deserve

    What truly sets apart this course are the added modules you won't find anywhere else.

    • An interactive, role-playing 'hot seat' to practice your negotiation
    • Detailed case studies and interviews, including a $63,000 increase
    • Advice on negotiating benefits, such as bonuses, flextime, relocation, and 8 more, as well as resources for women, non-profits, and startups

    If you're a professional interviewing for a new job and want to be part of the group that DOES negotiate, earn more money, and learn the salary negotiation secrets no one ever taught you, sign up today.

    Also see:

    • How To Negotiate a Job Offer (Student Edition)
    • How to Negotiate a Raise or Promotion
    Updated on 02 April, 2018
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