Udemy Russian Made Easy - Accelerated Learning for Russian - VOL 2 Udemy
Price: USD 19

    Course details

    Volume II of 'Russian Made Easy' picks up where Volume 1 left off. It continues to use modern techniques like contextual learning for vocabulary acquisition, construction branching for fluency, and pattern recognition for grammar. The 'Russian Made Easy' series teaches beginner's Russian in a fun, efficient style. With thirty episodes in all, each episode approximately 20 mins long, both volumes of the course could be finished in a week, but it's best to study only one episode per day.

    This course is ideal for absolute beginners to Russian, as well as those with some experience but who just haven't been able to find the right course. Along with learning approximately 300 words and phrases, when you finish the course you'll also understand:

    * All six Russian verb conjugations

    * All six Russian cases

    The course lays a rock-solid foundation for those who seek to master the Russian language.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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