Udemy REST API with Java JAX-RS. Create and Deploy to Amazon Cloud Udemy
Price: USD 150

    Course details

    This is a very practical video course aimed at beginner Java developers to help them build their very first RESTful Java Web Service with JAX-RS and Jersey framework as well as implement features like: 

    • User sign up, 
    • User sign in, 
    • Token base authentication.
      Students will also learn how to encrypt user provided password, generate a public user id which is safe to pass around the network in HTTP Requests, and how to generate and securely store as well as validate a secure access token, 
    • Protect RESTful WebService endpoints, 
    • Update database records by implementing Update User Profile details feature, 
    • and learn how to Delete database records,
    • Implement Email Verification feature using Amazon AWS SES(Simple Email Service)

    Students will learn how to use Postman HTTP client software to send: HTTP POST, GET, DELETE and PUT requests, as well as how to set needed HTTP Headers. We will also cover how to: 

    • Send data to your RESTful WebService via HTTP Body and 
    • How to pass data via URL Query String and as a Path parameter

    You will also learn how to make your RESTful Web Service accept and respond back with JSON or XML media type. 

    This video course also teaches how to install needed software on local computer to be able to build RESTful Java Web Service as well as:

    • How to start up your own Linux server in Amazon cloud( AWS EC2),
    • Install needed software on a remote EC2 instance and finally, 
    • How deploy created WebService on AWS EC2 instance. 

    Please note that even though this video course covers all of the above mentioned, it is not a comprehensive guide that covers, in little details, all and everything about building Web Services. There are still things to be learned. But you will definitely benefit and gain by learning the above mentioned material. 

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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