Udemy Rest Api's in Asp.Net and C# Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Are you tired of boring the outdated and incomplete courses , then let's dive in to the world of Rest Api's.Well I'm Asfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and in this course I'll explain what basically the Rest Api is and how you can create the Rest Api's in Asp.Net and C#.

The main focus of this course is on theRestful Web Api via Asp.NET andC#. So if you're familiar with C# , Asp.Net and Entity Framework Or if you want to create the Restful web api's inAsp.Netthen this is the right course for you

In this course you will learn how to create the RESTAPI via Code First and Database First Approach using ASP.NET. Then youwill learn how to test your web api via Postman , Later in this courseyou'll learn how to create Web Apps on Microsoft Azure and Publish your Restful Web Api's to Microsoft Azure Cloud. And then you'llcover all the advanced concepts of Rest Api's like Sorting ,Caching , Versioning , Security , Api Keys and OAuth2

Build a strong foundation in REST Api'swith this tutorial .

  • Create Web Api
  • Code First Approach
  • Database First Approach
  • Test Web Api
  • Implement Validations in Rest Api's
  • Create Azure Web App
  • Deploy and Publish Rest Apito Microsoft Azure
  • Sorting , Searching in Rest Api's
  • Implement caching in Rest Api's
  • Secure Api's with Api Key and Message Handler
  • Secure Api's with User Accounts and Access Token
  • Implement Versioning in Rest Api's

A valuableSkill at Your FingertipsLearning the RestApi 'sputa powerful and attractivelook in your Resume.BothC#and ASP.NET areopen source, easy to learn andhas anexcellent Microsoftsupport.

Jobs in Rest Api'sare plentiful, and being able to learn the Web Api's with a professional waywill give you a strong background to more easily pick up other challenging platforms and create the Rest Api's for other platforms.

Content and OverviewSuitable for C# programmers, Asp.NetDevelopers , Software engineers or Backend Developers.Through this course , youll create a Restful Web Apiand establish a strong understanding of the concept behind Restful web api's.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn Rest Api'sfrom a Microsoft (MVP), Xamarin MVPfrom your own desk.
  • Create Restful Api in ASP.NETwith me.
  • Suitable forintermediate & advancedprogrammers,C# Asp.Netdevelopersand ideal for users who learn faster when shown.
  • Visual training method,with Hands on Lab Practice , codingand challenge exercises.
  • Breaks even the most complex scenariosdown into simplistic steps.
  • I'll provide you the simplest and easy way to reduce your expenses in the development of Backend Services.
  • Also you'll be able to learn all the Advanced concepts of Rest Api's like Caching ,Sorting , Paging , Versioning ,Api Key's , Access Tokens etc
  • After this course you can also apply those Rest Api's concepts insome other programming language.
Updated on 14 November, 2018
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