Course details
In this continuing series of Remote Viewing technologies, you'll learn the exciting protocols of Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) that allows you to gather data on targets previously outside the scope of the standard RV protocols of a person, place, thing or event anywhere in space/time.
Believe it or not, that doesn't cover everything. Man-made ideas (like money) do not physically exist, yet dominate so much of our lives. The "winner" of a sporting event doesn't really exist in nature, yet the data stream is still embedded in the Universe.
You'll be able to:
- successfully know the winner of sporting events without any knowledge of the sport itself.
- You'll know how to predict market directions for investments
- You'll learn how to get a solid "yes/no" answer to any question about life, love or career.
- You'll be able to use this technology for high-value investments like real estate flipping.
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