Course details
Create Professional Voice Overs From The Comfort Of Your Own Home And Sell Your Services Worldwide To High Paying Clients And Agencies Or Use Your Voice Overs To Create Your Own Profitable Videos.
Thank you very much for your interest in learning the secrets to creating professional voice overs. You'll learn exactly how to create high quality voice overs for any video, which will drastically improve the video quality, help to deliver your message more effectively and increase conversions!
You can use your new voice over skills for sales and product promotional videos, instructional videos, affiliate/review videos or choose to provide your own voice over service and get solid regular clients from all over the world and work at your convenience from your own home studio.
Peter Baker is a professional voice over and former BBC news presenter with almost 40 years of professional experience in the business; what he doesn't know, isn't worth knowing.
Through his easy to understand step by step instructional videos and accompanying course material, he will impart all the secrets to help grow your business in whatever direction you wish it to go.
The entire Voiceover Masterclass has over 354 minutes of video material, that's almost 6 hours....We've also included our easy to follow PDF training guides, test scripts as well as ready made editable email and invoice templates are included.
Once you've completed the training and feel ready and confident enough to start making some money from your new skills I'll teach you how to make sure you get found on the internet so you can start receiving a steady flow of customers.
- USD 10Duration: Upto 3 Hours
- Advanced Video Animation With Vyond StudyHubUSD 24Duration: Upto 1 Hour