Course details
Beginners Welcome!
Designed for the students with absolutely no programmingexperience, this training opportunity will explain not only how toprogram in Python, but will also explain what programming is, as wellas why both professionals & non-professionals like to program inPython.
Written by a Principal Trainer & Principal SoftwareDevelopment Engineer, this training is also designed to help newlearners jump start their programming careers by reviewing the mainreasons why… + Read More
Course details
Beginners Welcome!
Designed for the students with absolutely no programmingexperience, this training opportunity will explain not only how toprogram in Python, but will also explain what programming is, as wellas why both professionals & non-professionals like to program inPython.
Written by a Principal Trainer & Principal SoftwareDevelopment Engineer, this training is also designed to help newlearners jump start their programming careers by reviewing the mainreasons why scientists, electrical engineers, and systemsadministrators love to use Python.
Layered Learning
Divided into beginner, intermediate, andadvanced sections, in the beginning section students willlearn how to apply fundamental Python keywords so as to collect,display, format, and create reports for the most-used data collectiontypes. Designed to be completed quickly, the video presentation forpart one is well under 3 hours.
In the more advanced sections, students will complete keywordmastery by exploring a large collection of activity-related topics.After learning the basics, students will enjoy learning how to createGenerators, Context Managers, Re-usable Modules, Exceptions, as wellas dozens of other advanced topics. -Students will even learn thesecret of Google's success by discovering how to create & search("index") popular data formats, as well as other file types.
Other Topics
- Discover how to simultaneously print to the screen, as well as to a file. Practice creating files that can used by Libre Office,
- Open Office, as well as Microsoft Excel. Gain hands-on experience locating, running, writing and reading information from other programs.
- Discover how to start, automate, and use other programs. Learn how to both send and receive information to external programs using standard input, as well as output streams. Learn how to interface with the Python interpreter to run dynamically-created commands, as well as stand-alone scripts.
- Gain hands-on experience locating, running, writing and reading information from cooperating with external programs.
- Discover how to write programs that can you can use start and / or automate programs.
- Learn how to both send and receive information to external programs using cross-platform standard input, as well as output streams.
- Learn how to interface with the Python interpreter to run dynamically-created commands, as well as stand-alone scripts.
... and more!
Updated on 30 July, 2016 - Read Less