Course details

This isn't a writing course. In this course. I will show you how use public relations tools to work with the media. You will learn what makes news and how to use your activities to create interesting news from factoids of your organization.

You will create building block statements to insert into fill-in\-the-blank forms and sample materials from your web site, funding applications, newsletters, etc. Use these toolkit items for announcements about your organization, activities, and volunteers to create image and awareness among targeted audiences to tell them who are and what you do:

    ·Activities, good works

    ·Expand Client Base and Services

    ·Increase Membership and Recruit Volunteers

    ·Support Fundraising

    ·Become a Trusted Media Resource

Items in the tool kit include:

    ·Press Releases

    ·Press and Photo Invitations to Cover Events and Activities

    ·Staff and Board Member Announcements


    ·Financial/ Grant Announcements

    ·Honor/Award Announcements

    ·Local News Item For Calendars and Self Publishing Sites

    ·Pitch Letters

Bonus Section

As a bonus you will learn how to create a searchable list of reporters, editors and bloggers of daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio stations.

You will learn how to target and work with the right gatekeeper at each media outlet.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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