Course details

If you've ever wanted to have smooth interactions and get people on your side, this is a course for you! More than 17,000 people have enrolled in my online psychology courses to learn more about the human mind and to achieve success. You can be one of them!

Even if you are already likable, the principles in this course will give you extra tools to more swiftly connect with the people you meet. This isn't just about making friends and finding romance…when people like you, they're more likely to trust what you have to say, help you out, and say "yes" when you ask for a favor. Salespeople, for example, have known for ages that people buy from people they like.

Across more than two hours of video content, we'll explore seven unique principles of attraction. By looking closely at the available evidence, we'll learn more about when and how these principles promote greater liking. Each section covers one principle of attraction, and at the end of each section, I review what we've learned and offer thoughts about applying the information.

Through this course, we'll cover…

  • how surprising changes in your posture and gestures can increase rapport and social connection
  • why people like you more the more they see you, even if you never say a word
  • how something as simple as having similar likes and dislikes powerfully increases liking
  • how simple compliments can create liking even if they're not at all true
  • how a simple tap on the shoulder increases your ability to convince another person
  • ...and much more!

The principles in this course rely on scientific research in psychology to give you an in-depth look at statistically reliable tactics shown to increase liking and attraction. Unlike other books and courses, these aren't just assumptions about likability.

Importantly, I won't just provide you with the scholarly research and leave it at that. At the end of each section, I offer ideas on how to translate the scientific findings into concrete strategies that you can implement right away the next time you're hoping to make a social connection with someone.

As an award-winning psychology instructor, I have experience translating research in the field and presenting it in an engaging, understandable way. My students routinely evaluate my courses highly and comment on the passion I have for social psychology. I hope you can join this group of satisfied students and learn something new about yourself and psychology.

So take this course now and begin to understand the science of attraction and what it can do for you!

Updated on 29 March, 2018
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