Udemy Project Management: Time Management for Project Managers Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    Time has a funny way of sneaking up on you—and then easing on by. As a project manager, you've got stakeholders, project team members, and management all worried about your project deliverables, how the project is moving forward, and when, oh when, the project will be done. You've also got vacations, sick days, demands from other project managers, and delays from vendors to deal with.

    Management frets over how much a project will cost. Project customers fret over the deliverables the project will create. Everyone, as it turns out, frets over how long the project will take. Of course I'm talking about the Triple Constraints of Project Management: cost, scope, and time. If any one of these constraints is out of balance with the other two, the project is unlikely to succeed. Time, as it happens, is often the toughest of the three constraints to manage, because interruptions come from all sides of the project.

    This seminar, worth two Professional Development Units, details the Project Schedule Management knowledge area. It's everything you must know to master project time management.

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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