Course details
Try my course for only $9 for now.
- I am known as HDcommercial Vid, a level 2 seller on Fiverr. I've produced hundreds of video commercials for clients all over the world. Search HD Commercial Vid w/o spaces on Fiverr to see his work.
What is the course about?
- This course contains studio quality training videos to help you produce high quality commercials for promoting products and services.
- You'll learn to produce a professional video commercial similar to my demo video on Fiverr.
Why take this course?
- I modified this course to be as short as possible and yet still accomplish the same goal which is to produce a great video commercial.
This is the beauty of this course, you do not need to go through a lot of videos and complicated methods to learn to produce this type of video. I teach the exact steps to produce the same demo video on my Fiverr gig in a very short time.
- You'll learn by watching me actually perform, as I explain step by step on how to produce the video.
How long will the course take to complete?
- The main course will take only 19 minutes to complete. Short, concise, and no fluff.
Software requirements
- Microsoft Office 2010
- Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum