Udemy Professional Accredited Yoga Teacher Training Course Udemy
Price: USD 95

    Course details

    Our Professional Accredited Yoga Teacher Training Course is based on Hatha Yoga.

    If you are a yoga enthusiast and looking to start a new career teaching yoga, then this course will provide you with all of the information necessary.

    If you have been practicing yoga for a long time, then you will find that this course takes an in-depth look at the benefits of each posture as well as providing tips for alignment and the breath. If you are new to yoga, we strongly recommend that you take the time to learn all of the postures detailed here and to study yoga, practicing each day ensuring ease and proficiency before considering starting your own yoga class.

    By living it yourself, your experience and enthusiasm will be far-reaching. It's useful to have a good understanding of anatomy and physiology and be prepared to adapt postures where necessary, not every student will be flexible and in full health, so take the time to learn how to adapt specific postures so that the student can still gain the benefits of the pose. 

    Teaching yoga provides many benefits on a personal level - it's a satisfying and fulfilling career and importantly, you are able to witness the development of your students as they improve their health and well-being. Careful monitoring of the students' movements and alignment throughout the session, helps them to avoid injury.

    Teaching yoga requires dedication and commitment. 

    The role of a yoga teacher is an important one, it affords you the opportunity of being able to shape the lives of others in a truly holistic manner and to bear witness to your students' progression. As a career, it provides a great deal of satisfaction and reward as you see your students, initially challenged by the stresses of day-to-day life, metamorphosing into confident, supple and tranquil individuals. 

    Our easy to learn modules include: 

    What is Yoga

    Anatomy & Physiology


    Breathing Techniques

    Standing Yoga Postures

    Seated Yoga Poses

    Supine & Prone Postures


    Twists & Backbends

    Class Management

    Summary & Final Assessment

    This course is accredited by IICT (International Institute of Complementary Therapies) 

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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