Udemy Practical iOS 11 - Master Apple's newest iOS features Udemy
Price: USD 200

    Course details

    Build seven complete projects that teach you the new features in iOS 11 as well as five technique projects that reinforce your iOS 11 knowledge by introducing the latest techniques, for building better apps.

    This course is written by the award winning Swift programmer, Paul Hudson, it is from his best selling book, "Practical iOS 11", made into a lecture style course, and these videos were made with his permission and support. Paul is the author of the Hacking With Swift series of tutorials, which is one of the most popular Swift coding sites online. Paul also has received high praise from the creator of the Swift language, Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swift tutorials. And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series of programming training videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system.

    This course incorporates the use of annotations, callouts, diagrams, highlighting, and deep explanations that help make complex subject matter, much easier to grasp, and guide you along the path of the code, each step of the way. This course also makes the perfect reference tool kit, to be used in conjunction with the Apple docs, so that you can go back and scrub through any of the lectures very quickly to pull out relevant code or instruction that you need, as there's no wasted chatter here, it's strictly on point with Swift 4 and iOS 11.

    Please note: These are intermediate to advanced projects, and this course will not teach you the Swift language, or how to codeyou should already have completed Paul Hudson's Swift tutorials at HackingWithSwift dot com, or gone through the Hacking With Swift beginner to pro course here on Udemy.

      • Explore the Xcode 9 features
      • A comprehensive introduction to the major new features in Swift 4.
      • A whats new in iOS 11 section that shows you how to code the latest API's right away
      • Build smart apps using Core ML and the Vision framework to leverage machine learning.
      • The all-new PDFKit framework, delivering fast and efficient PDF rendering on iOS.
      • How to integrate drag and drop into your apps, both using built-in controls and custom controls.
      • Building a complete game from scratch using ARKit's augmented reality technology.
      • Taking advantage of the new MusicKit APIs to work with Apple Music.
      • Reading and acting on NFC tags using Core NFC.
      • Using the new depth-mapping APIs exposed through the iPhone 7 Plus camera.
      • Updating your app for the new iOS 11 look and feel.
      • And more - iOS 11 is packed with new features to learn!
    Updated on 04 January, 2018