Course details
This unique in-depthstep-by-stepcoursetakes users through the Amazing intricacies of Lighting, Shading, Texturing, Rendering, and thePostProduction of Photorealistic scenes;while using 3ds Max, Vray and Photoshop (similarpost-production techniquescan alsobe used in After Effects).
Thecourse focuses on themethodical processof:
1- Lighting & Rendering ofan Exterior Daylight and Interior Night scene
2- Shading and optimal parameters forPhotorealialism
3-Procedural Texturing
4-Rendering Parameters and Unrivaledsettings for post-production
5-Post-production best practicesand advance techniques
6- PersonalTechnical Support will be provided to All users enrolled to this course.
7- The Project Files,Full HD Videos,3d Models, Textures, PS files, and much more are available for All Lectures.
8-Every technique covered in this courseis backed by 10+ years of experience in the 3dVisualization/ProductionIndustry, andpopularBooks Publishedon these keysubjects .
Finally, my methodologies arewidely implemented by Award WinningVisualization companies and famousFilm Studios World Wide.
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USD 333Duration: Upto 1 Hour