Udemy Personal Finance: How to be Debt Free and Retire Early Udemy
Price: USD 20
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This life-changing course will help jumpstart your journey to financial freedomand retiring early. It covers three main topics: maintaining a monthlybudget, getting out of debt(including paying off a mortgage early), and investing for the future.

We've taken the key concepts of personal finance and presented them in a fun and easy-to-follow manner. We know that your time is limited, so we've made this course possible to consume in a lunch hour.

This course is accessible to anybody regardless of age, background, or financial state. Whether you're new to personal finances or a veteran, we're sureyou'll learn something practical and valuable.

Why are we so confident?Because we ourselves retired from our fast-paced careers in management consulting before theage of 40 by using the principals in this course.

The path to a debt free life,financial independence,and early retirement is just a step away. We hope you join us by enrolling in this course.

(Music frombensound)

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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