Course details
Basically this course is about making changes to your habits and personality so that you can make modifications to the way you see things, the way you perceive things so that it can bring you to the next level. The course is done in a lecture manner, takes about 1 hour and with over 40 lectures, it details the method to understand yourself, your characteristics and personality and based on such characteristics, we are able to work on areas such as your diet, your activities, your thinking process, etc to bring about a betterment of your life perspective and development. This course is for everyone and anyone who wants to make the best of their life and achieve their utmost in their capabilities and see the success that they are born to be.
Updated on 08 November, 2015- Interior Design Principles and Elements Lead AcademyUSD 25
USD 390Duration: Upto 1 Hour - Interior Design & Home Decorating Diploma London Institute of Business & ManagementUSD 21
USD 220Duration: Upto 15 Hours