Udemy Pass the Cisco CAPPS 642-467 exam. Part of CCNP VOICE Udemy
Price: USD 47

    Course details

    A CCNP VOICE professional has advanced knowledge of Cisco voice and telephony products including:

    • Cisco Unified Communications Manager
    • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
    • Cisco Unity Connection
    • Cisco Unity Express
    • Cisco Unified Presence
    • Gateways

    The primary focus of this course is the applications that form part of a Unified Communications System, which include:

    • Cisco Unity Connection
    • Cisco Unity Express
    • VPIM
    • Digital Networking
    • Cisco Unified Presence

    Once you have a solid foundation in Cisco Unified Communications Manager and gateways, you can start to learn the applications that enhance Cisco Unified Communications.

    The 642-467 exam tests a candidate's knowledge of how to integrate the new Unified Communications Applications, which are part of the new version 8.0 Cisco Voice software. 

    OUR FOCUS: Practical, hands-on demonstrations using the equipment. We don't just talk about a topic. We demonstrate it using multiple phones communicating with CUCM or CUME or Unity Connection etc. Watch the calls be set up, transferred, torn down and so forth in real time.

    This video course allows me to explain and demonstrate concepts in far greater detail than would be possible in a 5 day course. There isn't enough time to explain all the concepts properly in a standard instructor lead course. However, here I am able to do that. I have even added some additional content from the CVOICE course to explain and demonstrate more advanced concepts.

    Why pay $3,695 for an instructor lead course (with some companies) when you can get all the content here for $47?

    And watch as many times as you like, watch on your iPad and even download all the videos!

    Updated on 29 March, 2018
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