- Duration / Course length: Upto 15 Hours Start now
- Course delivery: This course is delivered in video format
Course details
Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) Online Course covers the learning path prescribed to prepare for the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator exam. The courseware provides hands-on experience that will prepare you to become an Azure ;
Who should take the exam?
- Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) exam has been built to facilitate candidates planning a career as Azure Administrator. Some of the important details listed for candidates planning to take this exam includes -
- You should have a minimum of six months of hands-on experience administering Azure.
- You should have a strong understanding of core Azure services, Azure workloads, security, and governance.
- You should have experience in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, and ARM templates.
Introduction (3)
- Introduction to AZ 104 Program
- Course Introduction
- Disclaimer
Identity (19)
- Introduction to Identities
- Azure Active Directory Features and Benefits
- Azure AD Vs on Premise Active Directory
- Understanding Azure Active Directory - Lab Activity
- Managing Azure AD with Powershell - Lab Activity
- All About Azure AD Groups - Lab Activity
- Managing Azure AD Groups with Powershell - Lab Activity
- What is Multi Factor Authentication
- Azure Multi Factor Authentication - Lab Activity
- Authentication methods
- Types of Azure AD Users
- Self Service Options in Azure AD
- Azure AD Editions
- What is Azure AD Join
- Azure AD Connect
- Azure AD connect Health
- Azure AD B2B
- Azure AD B2C
- Monitoring Azure AD
Azure Governance & Compliance (20)
- Management Groups
- Create Management Groups using Powershell and UI
- Azure Subscriptions
- How do you get a Azure Subscription
- Azure Subscription Usage
- Subscription User Types
- Resource Limits and Quotas
- Resource Tagging
- Azure Pricing Calculator
- Billing Alerts
- Azure Reservations
- RBAC Concepts
- RBAC Roles
- Azure AD Roles and Permissions
- Role Definitions
- Role Defintions - Powershell
- Azure Active Directory and Powershell
- Azure Policy
- Azure Policy Lab Activity - I
- Azure Policy WalkThrough and LAB Activity
Azure Administration (26)
- Azure Portal
- Azure Mobile App
- Azure Portal Demo
- Azure Cloud Shell
- Azure Cloud Shell - Demo
- Introduction to Powershell
- Introduction to Powershell - II
- What is a Powershell Module
- Azure Modules for Powershell
- Manage Resource Groups with PS
- Azure RM vs AZ
- Demo - Working with Azure CLI Locally
- Benefits of Resource Manager
- Resource providers
- Resource Providers - Lab Activity
- Moving Resources
- Resource Group: Demo - Lab Activity
- Advantages of Using ARM Templates
- What is JSON
- Parameters and Variables
- Azure Resource Manager Templates
- Understanding JSON
- Demonstration - Run templates with PS
- Interacting with VM using Powershell
- Cleaning up Resources - With Powershell
- ARM Viz Tool
Azure Virtual Networking (23)
- Azure Network Introduction
- Purpose of Virtual Networks
- Virtual Networks - LAB
- Creating Virtual Networks with Powershell - Lab Activity
- What are Subnets
- Multiple NICs - LAB Activity
- IP Addressing
- Private IP Addresses
- Public IP Addresses
- Manage IP Addresses - Lab Activity
- Azure Service Endpoints
- Why use Service Endpoints
- Service Endpoints Demo
- Services that Use Service Endpoints
- Domain and Custom Domains
- Azure DNS
- DNS Delegation
- Private Zone - Scenario I
- Private Zone - Scenario II
- Private DNS - Demo
- What are NSG's
- Scope of NSG's
- NSG Demo
Interconnectivity (14)
- Interconnectivity Intro
- Vnet Peering
- Benefits of Network peering
- Vnet Peering - Lab Activity
- Gateway Transit
- Service Chaining
- Virtual Network Gateway
- Virtual Network Gateway Lab - I (Point to Site)
- Virtual Network Gateway Lab - II (Point to Site)
- Express Route - I
- Express Route - II
- Express Route - III
- Azure Connectivity - Comparison
- Inter-connectivity - Conclusion
Network Traffic Management (16)
- Network Routing - System Routes
- Network Routing - User Defined Routes
- What is a Load Balancer - I
- What is a Load Balancer - II
- Public Load Balancer
- Internal Load Balancer
- Load Balancer SKU
- Load Balancer - Lab - I
- Load Balancer - Lab -II
- Load Balancer - Lab -III
- Azure Traffic Manager Profiles
- Traffic Manager: Priority Routing
- Traffic Manager: Performance Routing
- Traffic Manager: Geographic Routing
- Traffic Manager: Weighted Routing
- Traffic Manager Profiles - Lab Activity
Azure Storage (29)
- Azure Storage
- Azure Storage Account
- Standard and premium storage accounts
- Storage Types
- Creating - Storage Account - Lab Activity
- Create Storage Account with Powershell - Lab Activity
- Create Storage Account with CLI - Lab Activity
- Azure Storage Explorer - Introduction
- Azure Blob Containers
- Storage Performance Tiers
- Uploading Blobs
- Blob Access Policies
- Blob Storage Pricing
- Blob Storage - Lab Activity
- Azure Files
- Files Vs Blobs
- Create Azure File Share (Lab Activity)
- Creating File Share with Poweshell and Mouting on Linux (Lab Activity)
- Secure File Transfer
- File Share Snaphots
- FIle Share Snapshots - Lab Activity
- Storage Security
- Authorization Options
- Shared Access Signatures
- Shared Access Signatures - Lab Activity
- Storage Security Encryption
- Customer Managed Keys
- SAS Best Practices
- Blob Public Access Level
Azure Virtual machines (16)
- Supported Operating Systems
- What is not supported?
- What is Azure Compute
- Virtual Machine I - LAB
- Virtual machine II - LAB
- Virtual Machine III - LAB
- Virtual Machine IV - Lab
- Virtual Machine V - LAB
- Virtual Machine VI - Lab
- Creating VM with Powershell
- Managing Linux Instances
- Maintenance and Downtime
- Availability Sets
- Fault Domain and Update Domain
- Custom Script Extensions
Serverless Computing (37)
- Introduction
- App Service Plan
- App Service Plan - Pricing Tiers
- App Service Plan Scaling
- Auto scaling Features - Lab
- Autoscale considerations
- Creating a web app
- Azure App service Features
- Azure web app deployment options
- Azure app deployment Slots
- Authentication and Authorization
- Web App Custom Domains
- App Services - Backup and Restore
- What are Containers?
- Containers VS Virtual Machines
- Containerization Benefits
- What is Container Orchestration?
- Azure Container Instances - Lab Activity - I
- Azure Container Instances - Lab Activity - II
- Azure Container Instances -Deploy with CLI- Lab - III
- Build Custom Apps and Azure Container Registry - LAB Activity
- Azure Container Groups
- What is Docker?
- Docker Terminologies
- Azure Kubernetes Services
- Azure Kubernetes Services - Features
- AKS Nodes and Clusters
- AKS Networking - Services
- AKS - Volumes
- AKS Security
- AKS and Azure AD Introduction
- Kubernetes Service Accounts
- AKS and Azure AD - Roles and ClusterRoles
- Kubernetes LAB Activity - I
- Kubernetes LAB Activity - II
- Kubernetes LAB Activity - III
- Kubernetes Architecture
Data Protection (15)
- Data Protection Agenda
- Storage Account Replication Options
- Local Redundant Storage
- Zone Redundant Storage
- GRS and RA-GRS
- Comparing Replication Strategies
- Azure Backup
- Recovery Services Vault - Backup I
- Recovery Services Vault - Backup II
- Recovery Services Vault - Backup III
- Azure Site Recovery
- Data Protection for Virtual Machines
- Image Vs Snapshots
- Azure Site Recovery - Replication LAB
Azure Monitoring (18)
- Azure Monitoring Service - Introduction
- Key Capabilities
- Monitoring Data Platform
- Log Data
- Data Types
- Azure Advisor
- Azure Advisor - Lab Activity
- Activity Log - Lab
- Event Categories
- Azure Alerts
- Log Analytics
- Log Analytics - Lab Activity
- Network Watcher - Introduction
- Network Watcher - Connection Monitor - Lab
- Network Watcher - Topology - Demo
- Network Watcher - IP Flow Verify
- Network Watcher - Next Hop
- Network Watcher - Connection Troubleshoot
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Testpreptraining aims to bring in the best assessments and training solutions for learners preparing for various important exams globally. Our tests are designed to allow the learner to practice while preparing for the exam. Tests can be taken as many times as required so that the learner can build confidence along with ability.
They can also take the test as “timed” tests simulating the pressure a learner would feel when taking the actual exam.
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