Compliance Central Child Psychology Compliance Central
Price: USD 13
  • Duration / Course length: Upto 8 Hours

Course details

Unlock the mysteries of Child Psychology and delve into the captivating world of human development with our comprehensive course. Immerse yourself in the exploration of Child Psychology, where curiosity meets understanding, and discover the intricacies that shape a child's mind. Unravel the layers of Child Development, from the broad scope to the minute stages, and gain profound insights into the factors influencing growth. As you journey through the modules, embrace Erikson's Theory, delve into the nuances of attachment, and comprehend the impacts of separation. Explore the cognitive, social, and emotional dimensions of development, and witness the unfolding of personality, intellect, and language in children. From infancy to adolescence, this course navigates the challenges and solutions, providing a rich tapestry of knowledge in the realm of Child Psychology. Embrace the course, where the magic of understanding Child Psychology unfolds, captivating learners at every turn.

Child Psychology Course Learning Outcomes: 
  • Gain a deep understanding of the major contexts of Child Psychology.
  • Explore the intricate stages and scopes of Child Development.
  • Grasp the implications of attachment and the effects of separation on children.
  • Analyze the factors influencing the development of children.
  • Comprehend the complexities of cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development in children.
  • Acquire insights into language development and the challenges faced during infancy, childhood, and adolescence.
Child Psychology Course Outline:
  • Child Psychology and Its Major Context
  • Understanding Child Development
  • The Scope and Stages of Child Development
  • The Areas of Child Development
  • Erikson’s Theory of Child Development
  • Attachment and Relationship Building in Childhood
  • Impacts of Separation and Loss of Attachment
  • Factors That Influence Development
  • Cognitive Development
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Moral and Ethical Development in Children
  • Personality and Intellectual Development in Children
  • Language Development
  • Problems of Infancy
  • Problems in Childhood and Adolescence
  • Problems of Adolescence
Updated on 19 December, 2023

Eligibility / Requirements

Anyone Can Enrol in this Child Psychology Course

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