SIPL Training Certified Telecom Professional SIPL Training
Price: INR 14,000

Course details

Our specialized Telecom Training package designed in such a way that makes us separate from other training centres and makes our own speciality so that anyone can learn it and become the perfectionist of Telecommunication in terms of GSM, Transmission, Switching, Data Communication, Wire Line Technology, BTS installation and commissioning training, RF Engineering & Planning , Drive Test(DT, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) industry requirement.

SIPL Telecom Training CENTRE Lucknow a well-equipped Telecom Training centre in Lucknow where student learns the skills from Basic to advanced level. It has been designed considering the latest industry trends and keeping in mind the advanced Telecom Training Course content. It's syllabus based on the professional requirement which help them to get placement in Multinational companies and achieve their career ;
This extensive hands-on experience in Telecom Training in Lucknow ensures that you absorb the knowledge and skills that you will need to apply at work in Industry after ; Updated on 07 August, 2019

About SIPL Training

SIPL Training brings together the industries leading brands, validate and review our syllabus content, ensuring you are taught the latest digital skills sought by employers.
Syllabuses of SIPL training institute are developed and taught by Industry Expert professionals, it will improve your skills according to current industry requirement which is necessary to get good jobs. See all SIPL Training courses

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