- Duration / Course length: 1 To 2 Months Start now
- Certificates:
- Course delivery: This course is delivered in video format
Course details
JavaScript, ES6, Babel, NPM, Webpack – an entire JavaScript ecosystem in a one JavaScript Bootcamp ;
Key Features
- Understand the proper methods for working with arrays: map, forEach, reduce, filter, and includes
- Understand the purpose of the Node Package Manager (NPM)
- Learn JavaScript, ES6, NPM, Webpack, Babel, Node, and React by solving lots of challenges with real-world scenarios
- Each challenge has a task and solution. And all of them are available in the GIT repositories that you will download at the beginning of the course
- Learn all fundamental features of JavaScript, starting with basic concepts such as variables, objects, functions, scopes, and operators and finishing with advanced topics as closures, hoisting, IIFEs (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions), classes, and many more
- Learn and understand ES6 features such as arrow functions, destructuring, default function parameters, template literals, array helper methods, and classes
Why should one take JavaScript certification?
This course covers everything you need to know about JavaScript to become a frontend web developer, a full-stack web developer, or a backend developer. You'll start from the very beginning and learn the fundamentals and basic concepts of JavaScript. Then you will learn new features included in ES6, ES7, and more. Also, you'll explore the environment for JavaScript code execution and you will understand the difference between a web browser and
Who will benefit from taking JavaScript Certification?
This course will help students, professionals to master JavaScript and become Front-end Web developer, or Full-stack Web Developer, or Back-end developer.
Benefits of Certification
- Government certification
- Certification valid for life
- Lifelong e-learning access
- Learning Hours: 39+ hrs
How It Works
- Select Certification & Register
- Receive Online e-Learning Access (LMS)
- Take exam online anywhere, anytime
- Get certified & Increase Employability
- Duration: 60 minutes
- No. of questions: 50
- Maximum marks: 50, Passing marks: 25 (50%).
- There is NO negative marking in this module.
- Online exam.
- Intro
- Course Navigation
- Install "cmder"
- Visual Studio Code Setup
- Launch and execute test JavaScript file
- Git Overview
- Intro
- Exploring Web Sites in the Browser
- Create first HTML file and start Live Server
- Add favicon to the HTML file
- JavaScript embedded into the HTML
- JavaScript in the separate file
- JavaScript in the Console of the Browser
- Object in JavaScript
- Primitive vs Reference Value Types
- Variable declaration using "var", "let" and "const"
- Statically vs Dynamically typed Languages
- Variety of Objects in JavaScript
- Objects Modification
- Global Objects - "window" and "global"
- Methods of the Object
- Introduction to the Functions
- Syntax of the Function
- Function Expressions vs Function Declarations
- Function Expressions
- JavaScript Operators (arithmetic, Comparison, Logical)
- Operands, Unary vs Binary Operators and Notations
- Operators Precedence and Associativity
- Expressions vs Statements
- JavaScript Scopes
- Undeclared Variables and "use strict"
- JavaScript Arrays
- JavaScript Array Methods
- JavaScript "for" Loop
- JavaScript "while" Loop
- JavaScript "do while" Loop
- JavaScript "for in" and "for of" Loops
- JavaScript Conditional Statements - if, if else and switch
- JavaScript Ternary Operator
- JavaScript Mutable vs Immutable Values
- JavaScript "typeof" and "instanceof" Operators
- JavaScript "new Array", "new String"
- JavaScript "new Object", "new Function"
- JavaScript Execution contexts and Execution contexts stack
- JavaScript "this"
- JavaScript "call", "apply" methods of the Function
- JavaScript "bind" method of the Function
- JavaScript "pass by value" vs "pass by reference"
- JavaScript IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression
- JavaScript Synchronous Code Execution
- JavaScript Events and Events queue
- JavaScript Callbacks
- JavaScript Closures
- Scopes - Global, Function and Block
- JavaScript let
- JavaScript const
- JavaScript Variables Usage Guidelines
- JavaScript Var, Let or Const?
- JavaScript Engine Phases
- Variable Lifecycle Phases
- JavaScript Var lifecycle
- JavaScript Undeclared variable lifecycle
- JavaScript Let lifecycle
- JavaScript Const lifecycle
- JavaScript Function lifecycle
- Introduction to the Arrow Functions
- Traditional JavaScript Functions Overview
- Arrow Functions syntax
- Arrow Functions and "this".
- Regular functions instead of Arrow Functions
- Arguments in the Functions
- JavaScript forEach() Overview
- JavaScript map() Overview
- JavaScript filter() Overview
- JavaScript find() Overview
- JavaScript every() and some() Overview
- JavaScript includes() Overview
- JavaScript reduce() Overview
- How sort() works?
- JavaScript Sorting Algorithms Overview
- JavaScript Template Literals Overview
- JavaScript Tagged Templates Overview
- Rest Parameters Overview
- Spread Operator Overview
- Default Function Parameters Overview
- Enhanced Object Literals Overview
- Destructuring Overview
- Object Destructuring
- New Variable Names and Default Values in Object Destructuring
- Class-based vs Prototype-based
- What is inheritance?
- Prototype Chain
- __proto__ and [[Prototype]]
- What is Prototype?
- Don't reassign __proto__
- Native Prototypes
- Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript
- Function Constructors
- () Overview
- "instanceof" and "typeof" in the Prototype Chain
- Classes - Overview
- Classes vs Function Constructors
- React and ES6 Classes
- Babel Module Introduction
- What is Compiler?
- Compiled vs Interpreted languages
- Transpiler
- Transpling vs Compiling
- ES5, ES6 and JavaScript
- What Babel does?
- Why do we need Babel?
- ES6 support by Browsers
- How many browsers need compiled ES5 code?
- What is User Agent?
- Serve different JS files to different browers
- Different JS files on the server
- How Babel Works?
- Install Babel Globally
- Plugins and Presets
- Introduction to the NPM
- and init
- Semantic Versioning
- Packages Installation
- Dependencies and Development Dependencies
- Browser App vs Public Package
- Why file is needed?
- How lock file is handled
- Update NPM packages overview
- Introduction to the NPM scripts
- NPM .bin Folder with Executable Scripts
Eligibility / Requirements
Anyone can apply for the online certification
About Vskills
Vskills is the largest certification body of India. We conducts skills testing and certification exam to improve employability. The certifications are quite popular and top companies hire Vskills certified professionals.Companies have benefitted by hiring pre-certified candidates from Vskills and also use the certifications for their in house employee appraisals. Certification helps in distinguishing individuals to demonstrate their domain knowledge or skills needed for a specific profile. So a professional certification offers tangible benefits to both the individual and the employer.
Tests are conducted in a secure and unbiased manner, and certificates are awarded based on merit of the candidates who qualify tests.
Vskills certifications are for relevant qualifications that help students/employees quantify and prove those skills that are valued by the employer and are in great demand.